Analytics by Evonik
Solutions for the pharmaceutical industry.
Characterization of solids
Our diverse portfolio means we can offer a wide array of options for analyzing your samples, using methods that include quality control, microscopic sample analysis, and determinations of characteristic physical parameters.
You could, for instance, use x-ray powder diffractometry for qualitative and quantitative determination of phase purity and/or the presence of various crystal shapes of active pharmaceutical agents.
We can determine the following key powder characteristics for you: particle distribution (using laser diffraction or light scattering methods), specific surface area (BET method), melting point (capillary method or dynamic differential scanning calorimetry/DSC), loose and compact bulk density, and sieve analyses.
And when it comes to the details, we’ll take a more precise look using ultramodern methods in electron microscopy and spectroscopy for characterizing surfaces and shapes/structures. Our experts are ready to answer your specific questions, applying methods such as light, scanning electron (SEM), transmission electron (TEM) with a variety of sample preparation techniques as well as infrared and raman microscopy.